Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism Management in the Cloud
After comprehensive research and close cooperation with Medical and Health Tourism companies in Israel we have developed a unique Tsystem for Medical, Health and Wellness Tourism Management – CloudMedTourism
CloudMedTourism provides a holistic, end-to-end, integrated solutions and technologies accounting for f the similarities and differences between Medical; Health and Wellness Tourism Management requirements.
CloudMedTourism is a Closed Loop Management System enabling Right-time or Real-time Alerts, Monitoring and Control and as well BI (Business Intelligence) reporting
CloudMedTourism enables easy and rapid implementation and tailored customization to fit the unique organizational needs.
We have utilized Zoho CRM and some other Zoho technologies as the basic infrastructure of the system and on this solid ground we have developed our proprietary methodology, applications and functionality.
CloudMedTourism ThoughtWare at a Glance
Focusing on Customer Experience and Engagement and accounting for the similarities and differences between Medical; Health; and Wellness Tourism Management requirements CloudMedTourism System deals with seven framework issues:
1. Marketing: Customer Acquisition- Integrating Digital and Conventional Strategies
2. Customer Acquisition- Sales Business Processes
3. Patient Management and Continuum of Care
4. Operations and Logistics
5. Administration, Finance and Billing
6. Multi-Disciplinary collaboration
7. Effective Use of Resources
Managerial Aspects
CloudMedTourism System provides a holistic, end-to-end, integrated solutions and technologies for the medical tourism, healthcare and wellness organizations
It is a Closed Loop Management System enabling Right-time or Real-time Alerts, Monitoring and Control and as well BI (Business Intelligence) Reporting
“For the purposes of this report we define medical tourism as when consumers elect to travel across international borders with the intention of receiving some form of medical treatment. This treatment may span the full range of medical services, but most commonly includes dental care, cosmetic surgery, elective surgery, and fertility treatment. Setting the boundary of what is health and counts as medical tourism for the purposes of trade accounts is not straightforward. Within this range of treatments, not all would be included within health trade. Cosmetic surgery for aesthetic rather than reconstructive reasons, for example, would be considered outside the health boundary (OECD, 2010, pp.30-
Medical tourism is related to the broader notion of health tourism which, in some countries, has longstanding historical antecedents of spa towns and coastal localities, and other therapeutic landscapes. Some commentators have considered health and medical tourism as a combined phenomenon but with different emphases. Carrera and Bridges (2006, p.447), for example, define health tourism as ―the organised travel outside one‘s local environment for the maintenance, enhancement or restoration of an individual‘s well-being in mind and body‖. This definition encompasses medical tourism which is delimited to ―organised travel outside one‘s natural health care jurisdiction for the enhancement or restoration of the individual‘s health through medical intervention”.
Medical Tourism: Treatments, Markets and Health System Implications: A scoping review; Published by: OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
The Challenges of Medical/Health Tourism Management
Medical tourism management requirements are very different from Health Information Systems requirements and Hospital Management and Information Systems requirements (though there are very few similarities)
Medical tourism management does not start when the patient walks into the hospital/clinic door, however choosing the RIGHT DOOR for the patient is the very crucial decision of Medical/Health/Wellness tourism management.
The RIGHT DOOR relates to the staff, the facilities…which will guarantee that the patient is best treated (even if exceeds the projected budget) and that the patient’s and his family expectations are met. From the marketing point of view the focus is on very positive customer experience and engagement.
Apart the RIGHT DOOR challenge there are the challenges of managing quite complicated tasks of interactions, coordination and relationships with the numerous STAKEHOLDERS of the Medical tourism company
A partial list of the STAKEHOLDERS will illustrate the scope of interactions, coordination and relationships facing the staff of the Medical tourism company:
vPotential Customers/Patients
vAftercare Customers/Patients
vExpert Physicians
vVarious Hospitals/Clinics
vVarious Hospital Administrators
vVarious Hotels
vVarious Transportation Companies
vFlight Companies
vAd hoc Patient’s Assistants
These tasks come on top of the seven professional functionalities that we have briefly introduced:
1. Marketing: Customer Acquisition- Integrating Digital and Conventional Strategies
2. Customer Acquisition- Sales Business Processes
3. Patient Management and Continuum of Care
4. Operations and Logistics
5. Administration, Finance and Billing
6. Multi-Disciplinary collaboration (apart from interactions, coordination and relationships management)
7. Effective Use of Resources
To meet all the above mentioned challenges (and few more) we have developed (and implemented successfully on numerous shop floors) the CloudMedTourism System